I am so sure Miss Maggie has PMS. What a horrid, grizzly bear of a toddler she has been for a couple of days now. I'm so dreading her hitting her teens. Wish i could say it's still a wee while away, but boy they grow so fast, it's gonna be a blink and they'll really be suffering PMS.
Poor wee Mags though. Not entirely sure what the problem is. Just a stage (We're hitting those horrible terrible twos_?, Teething (she's currently getting her eye teeth)?, Lack of sleep (she had cut down to a day nap every second day and was doing fine, but all of a sudden we seem to be needing it every day again)?, or hopefully not, but maybe she's about to come down with something.
As for Ryan he has regressed back to real baby-hood. He has struggled a bit with the move and decided he needed a dummy to sleep (that's the short version of the story). Oh how i wish he sucked his thumb like the girls, but the dummy is banned to his bedroom (I really hate them). Worst of all though is he won't go to sleep without his dummy, but he keeps pulling it out, so now i am also having to wrap him! (Actually this consists of pinning his arms inside his safety sleep), but hey it all works. Just hope he gets thru this phase and isn't too hard to break of these issues later.
Don't know if it's a boy thing or not, but he can't sit still. This is a huge issue when feeding solids. Messy on a drooly baby at the best of time, but with arms and legs swinging every which way and head bobbing all over the place, it is a very big mission to get the food in (and staying in!). Don't even start me on the raspberries with a mouthful of food!
Well that was a lovely little whinge (much needed today) and i feel so much better for having got it off my chest.