Sunday, August 24, 2008


Seriously Ryan has a one track mind! And where does that track lead?... everywhere he's not allowed!

He's had a personality change almost overnight with his new found freedom. He's gone from my lovely happy baby that you could plonk anywhere with a toy and he'd be happy, to a mishievious little fellow who can't sit still, is in to everything and whoa, if he can't reach what he wants or if you take it away.... boy oh boy a little tanty follows!!
Still love him to bits though, tee hee!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Snow fun

Snow was down low, so took the kids for their first play. Loads of fun snowballing Dad, trying to make snow angels and just getting messy, but next time we need to take good gloves so we can make a snowman.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blue Baby

Had a very frightening moment last night, when Ryan choked! We were eating tea when he started getting grissly, so being nearly finished i sat him on my lap and gave him a couple of peas. He soon started choking, one of those silent chokes. I tipped him over and started firmly patting his back, but it didn't help and he soon started turning blue (I can't believe how quick he started turning blue, which of course just adds to the panic inside). Somehow outwardly i was able to keep composure though and as the back thumping wasn't working and he was getting bluer and going limp, eyes starting to roll back i started the baby version of hiemlich, which oh so thankfully worked.
So hugest thanks to God for the safety of my baby and super yay to the midwife who made us watch the baby first aid video before we were able to leave the hospital!