I got to have my first New Years in a long time as we pitched our camper on Daryl's cousins' lawn and so kids were put to bed and i could continue to join in. Pretty casual evening, but good company and a few songs on singstar. Good fun.
The new year saw us head away camping up Quinneys bush with Daryl's sister and family, which was awesome! Such an awesome campsite. We camped on the edge of the playground, so were able to monitor the littlies, while the big kids took off on their bikes for adventures. Big flying foxes, a massive water slide, go karts and swimming in the river. Brilliant!
The rest of the holidays are now being spent catching up with friends and spending any sunny time in the pool or at the beach. GOOD TIMES!
'Gordon', our camper up Quinney's Bush
Go Karting fun
Cringing ready for the splash! Charlotte and her cousin go down the waterslide together.
Fun on the flying fox