Maggie has become a bit of a clingaling over the last week and most of the time will have an upset if i leave her view. If she is tired i can't even put her down.
Last night she woke (approx 1.30am) which is quite unusual, and she was crying quite heartily so i got up to her. She seemed a bit shaken (second question: Can 10 month old babies have nightmares?), but seemed to come right with a cuddle. Put her back down and she started crying very heartily again. Being unnerved because it was very unusual i started to second guess that maybe something was wrong, but there was no fever, she wasn't tugging at ears or anything. Gave her some pamol just in case and back to bed. Had a little cry and then went quiet. By now i'm kind've on edge and thinking she's gone back to sleep i'll just check on her (to make myself feel better) and then i can go back to sleep. She wasn't asleep and the moment she saw me she was away again. Gave her a snuggle on the bed with me and she was fine, so put her back to bed, screams again, but by this time i decided she had to be playing me (with only a little bit of doubt - tiredness at this point beat out the doubt however), so i let her cry a little while and she went to sleep fine. This time i also didn't make the mistake of going to check her and she woke up this morning good as gold. Little Monster!
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