How is it that a sick child (Maggie) can be up all night, but wake in the morning running around happy as larry and giggly, when the adults of the house who have been up with said sick child walk around feeling like trash that has been steam-rolled?!
Poor Maggie has been up a lot of the night with fever. Fortunately my dearest husband took her into bed with him, so i could get some sleep (in her bed), allowing that i had to get up to feed Ryan. He finally had had enough of her restlessness by 4.30am and i took over from there. There is however a payoff to his kindness. He doesn't deal well with lack of sleep and is now a big old grump (thankfully he's gone to work) and will be a big old grump for the next couple of days. Still at least i got a little sleep (enough to be able to function during the day!) And another huge thanks goes to my Mum, who has kindly taken Charlotte to swimming and is also planning on minding my three kids (yes this includes a newborn and a sick child) for a couple of hours tonight so i can go to Daryl's work do (at least for the meal). Lastly i would like to thank my adorable dear sweet son, who has had the most considerate timing thru all this and has waited till i have had Maggie settled each time before waking for feeding and has spent most of his normal wake time this morning sleeping, so i could spend focusable time on cuddling Maggie. She is now tucked back up in bed (very early nap) and Ryan has just woken for a feed.
What an awesome family i have and a refreshed respect for solo parents!