Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sadly these days it usually takes someone commenting i haven't been on in a while to get me in here. Life is currently soooooo busy.
Along with the usual intricacies (current favourite word, so while this isn't quite the right spot for it, i'm using it here anyway) of daily life i have added study into the mix. IDIOT!!
For this year i have one semester full of study from home doing my Certificate in Learning Support. I have realised that i didn't appreciate just how much time was spent on normal daily chores/tasks till i tried fitting in full time study as well. Again IDIOT!
So far we have had 1 official week of the course and i have no idea how i'm doing. We have a University of Canterbury site where you can go to see what others in the course are up to and a part of my course is actually based out of this site, but all of last week had very little happening on there, so i'm feeling quite unnerved. I'm hoping it's all because last week was orientation week at the here's hoping for more feedback this week.
I do however have my first assignment ready to post away (due in March 8th), so that's kinda exciting. Not looking forward to some of my assignments though.

Anyway's we'll see how we get on over the next few months and if all does go well then next year i will start my first full year of three doing my Bachelor of Primary Teaching. IDIOT!!

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