The story continues with GM parking his old (missing a window) unwarranted, unregistered caravan in the bottom of our cul-de-sac. It looks awful (especially for a couple of us trying to sell our homes), it hinders the neighbours at the bottom of the cul-de-sac from getting into their drive properly and it means people can't turn around properly. The bottom neighbour actually at one point pushed the caravan back onto GMs property only to then be confronted by him ranting and raving. the street is his property and he can do as he likes. He also parks his ute and trailer long ways down one of our passing bays (we did used to think they were parking bays, but after talking to the council it turns out not), so no one else can get in and it is right in front of our neighbours opposite who are trying to sell their house. We have been to the council a few times only to be told that they can't do anything. Yes, it's a passing bay and he shouldn't park their, but they only make the rules, they don't govern them (useless council), it is a legal matter so you will have to go to lawyers.
Of course as we are not children, we are not going to sit back and be bullyed, so the whole neighbourhood got together and have all put in for a lawyer. It turns out that while, yes GM does own the right of way, we have more rights than he thinks. As it is still a roadway, nobody (including GM) can park on the road way, hindering traffic etc. The lawyer wrote up a letter explaining this to him and giving him 7 days to remove his vehicles or after that we can do it for him forwarding on the costs to him (including our lawyer costs). The police were due to deliver this letter to him yesterday, so things could get interesting over the next week or so. Daryl and the neighbour are both in Chch tonight, so i have to say both myself and the female neighbour are a bit nervous, but if GM even steps onto my property i will be calling the police. I think surely he will be smart enough not to go making things worse for himself at this point, as long as he is not pshycotic!
Anyway just as a little extra he is building a fence along the bottom of our properties, which it now turns out it is going to be an old rusty corrugated iron fence. Yuk. We have paint brushes at the ready and are going to buy some trees to hide it, but it is sad that we have to go to that. He is putting the fence in about 10cm inside his boundary so we can have no say.
Needless to say there are some real
w!@#ers in this world!